What?! I hear you
cry. Free spa treatments?! Where do I sign up?!
The answer: Chad!
Come to Chad and you too can experience the following three spa
treatments, usually attracting a hefty charge in salons across the Western
world, for absolutely nothing! See, it’s
not all dust and excessive temperatures here!
The only downside is that you get no choice as to when you receive your ‘treatment’. You get what you pay for I guess…….
Free facial exfoliation
You can experience a free facial exfoliation at any time, but
more commonly during the first three months of the year, when it’s harmattan
season. Strong winds will pick up speed
in seconds. Couple that with the fact it
won’t have rained for at least three months, which means there’s dust aplenty
and there you have it – a free face scrub!
Free colonic irrigation
Foreign bugs can sometimes play havoc with your digestive
system, however well you filter your water, disinfect your fruit and veg and
wash your hands. I don’t need to say any
Free sauna
With temperatures currently at a daytime high of 45C in the
shade, you sweat. A lot. Even though the humidity is usually fairly
low. So every day it’s like walking
around in a huge sauna. Great for the
pores, there’s no chance of having spots here!
Chad is a country of many surprises. I may be able to add to this list in the